Helping Neighbors Food Pantry
Serving Craighead County

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Focus areas for Helping Neighbors Food Pantry

Children, where one in four face food insecurity. Seniors, where 15% of Americans age, 65 and older are at risk of hunger. Many elderly Arkansans have to choose between food and medicine. Arkansas ranks second in food insecurity in the nation.

The characteristics of those in need of food assistance in the Congressional 1st District:

According to a survey from Feeding America, Arkansas ranks second in food insecurity, which highlights the importance of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the nation's system of Food Banks who feed the 19 food pantries in Craighead County. In 2016 the American Community Survey provided the following statistics for the 1st Congressional District in Arkansas. 31.2% of those on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) had at least one family member over 60 years of age, 51.3% had children under the age of 18, and 52.6% had at least one family member who was disabled. In terms of income and poverty, 57%of SNAP recipients had income below the poverty level, with a median income of $16,334. The median income for families not receiving SNAP benefits was $46,553. In terms of race or ethnic origin, 62.4% were white, 35.3% were African American, and 2.6% were Latino or Hispanic. In terms of work status, 28.1% had no one employed during the previous 12 months, 47.6% had one family member employed during the previous 12 months, and 24.6% had two or more family
members employed during the past 12 months.

For a family of one, the maximum monthly SNAP benefit is $192, for a family of three the maximum benefit is $352, and for a family of three, which is the average family size in the United States, the maximum SNAP benefit is $504.